Вот что в нем:
Changelog 1.2
-BBS maps for Singleplayer (the enemy has got a normal base, you have a BBS-Gate) Each map three times (Tauri, Goauld, multiplayer)
-English texts translated (German version only)
-New icons for GE research
-New icon for McKay
-New icon for Anubis-Hatak
-New icon for the aincent chair
-New Minimap icons for starbases
-Asgardweapons of Hamond- Prometheus removed
-Apollo-Bug fixed (Ability changed to Weapon-change)
-Skirmish maps renamed, double maps removed
-most MISSINGs in skirmish loading-screens removed
-Speechsounds for SG1 added (German version only)
-Wraith have more resittance
-Event: Operation-base fixed
-Event: found something on Sartorus removed
-Event: Hammond back removed
-New Event: Akr of Truth
Stargate Universe
-shorter times between events
-Event Pangar removed
-Event Hassara removed
PEGASUS-GC (Tauri only):
-New maps for many planets
-Milkyway-Gates removed
-New Story:
-finding Atlantis
-Daedalus (ZPM) arrival
-Aurora/Taranis (story changed)
-Asuras (includes Apollo-spawn)
-Genii prison camp (story changed)
-Goa'uld in the Pegasus-Galaxy